Grupo Nucel

The path of Biotechnology

A caminho da biotecnologia Nucel

Since 2010, through a partnership with the School See-Saw/Panamby could enable the idea (and the cherished dream for many years) to carry Biotechnology for Elementary Education. In 2010 there was the first edition of this course for students See-Saw/Panamby School, School Application of USP and Our School Partridges. Since then, there were three editions of the course.

The unrestricted support of the Department of Biochemistry of the Institute of Chemistry at USP was fundamental and highly stimulating for us. We, too, with the valuable and essential support of parents, who have embarked on this proposal and are willing to shoulder part of the cost of this workshop. We also have the financial support of several agencies that support research (FAPESP, CNPq, FINEP, BNDES) and some companies, such as GE Healthcare, Roche, Life Technologies and BD Biosciences contributing reagents and materials essential to conduct of experiments.